About Josh

Josh has always seen the world differently. He notices small details that others tend to overlook and seeks to highlight those details, inviting his viewer to notice the inherent beauty that surrounds us in our seemingly ordinary world. Long before he’d been officially diagnosed with ADHD Josh found himself drawn to the stillness of nature. In slowing down to take photos of whatever happened to catch his eye, he learned that he could come into greater presence with his surroundings and, for a brief moment, enjoy inner quiet and rest. His work beckons any who desire to enter that same stillness and presence, and to rest in the exquisiteness offered in all the little things. With over 20 years of photography under his belt, he now combines his love for photography with woodworking to create truly unique pieces of art that people love to collect.

Josh lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a husband to Bethany and a dad to Ben and Bear. In their spare time, Josh and Bethany love to go on backpacking adventures and can’t wait until Ben and Bear are old enough to join them.

See what no one else sees.
See what everyone else chooses not to see...
out of fear and conformity and laziness.
See the whole world anew each day.
— Patch Adams